Friday, March 6, 2009


I know, I promised you a funny story and didn't get it posted like I thought I would last weekend. I've been know, those darn things called Finals!

So, it's early in the morning, and I'm bee bopping my way to school. No traffic behind me and I'm going at a pretty good clip, who goes the speed limit? Not me...

I see this car, it's a new red Thunderbird, you know they're supposed to look like the old cars? Well, I have this feeling he's gonna pull out in front of me, and that's just not right, I don't want to put on the brakes this morning. I'm saying "Don't do it, Don't do it, there's nothing behind me, don't do it" He does it...

I get up behind him, I've had to use the brakes...damn it...he goes the speed limit...that's just wrong....I think maybe he'll just keep going and not turn on the speedway..uhmm 4 lane road...he turns.

Well Wunderwoman does not like to follow anyone, especially old men in red I pull out to pass him and when I get up beside him I turn my head and yell "you're a dumbass, and you drive an ugly car" remember the windows are up, it's cold out. His head whips around, and I mean WHIPS, and he looks at me, by now I'm looking straight ahead again..I know he knows I'm yelling at him. I seriously thought he would injure himself with that head movement.

Now everything is good again. Dumba$$ is behind me, nothing but clean sailing to school. he comes again.. this time on the left side...I'm still upset. So, I start yelling at him again "You're a dumbass and you're car is UGLY." Again, he WHIPS that head to look at me, but now I'm looking straight ahead, again. I just know he knows I'm yelling at him, but he can't really catch me at it. Poor guy probably thought what kind of nutcase is this woman?

He turns off the road and I continue...takes me about an hour to get to school. I keep thinking about it all the way, and now I'm laughing. I mean seriously laughing my butt off..can anyone say roadrage?


Smart Mouth Broad said...

Great story. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha!!

Anonymous said...

OMGsh, you sound just like my husband. I tell him to stop it because I'm scared to death someone will pull a gun and shoot us. LOL

That Janie Girl said...

That's funny...