Monday, March 1, 2010

I Had a Dream.....

Before I get started, I wanted to recognize all my followers. I never expected to really have anyone reading my ramblings, but apparently there are a few that THANK YOU! Make yourself at home...

Now for my title...I went to bed last night about 11 p.m. I've been feeling pretty good about things lately, we are getting more sunshine, the birds are singing in the morning when I walk out, temps are ever so slowly inching up, so nothing really bothering me. Anyways I woke up at 2 a.m., and for the life of me I could not lay there any longer. I had a HORRIBLE dream, well probably best to call a spade a spade, it was a nightmare!!! I recognized some of the people in this awful dream, others I did not. I was in a place I know I've never been before. It almost felt like I knew what was going to happen even before it occurred. But still as the dream unfolded I was horrified! I usually don't experience these things often. Most mornings I wake up, and never remember dreaming at all. However, this one has stayed with me all day. I am unsettled to say the least. I realize that it was just a bad dream, and will more than likely never come to pass, oh how I pray!

Have you ever experienced something like this just so awful, and you just can't put it out of your mind. I know I am probably not making alot of sense, but I am really unsettled by it, and I dread going to sleep tonight. Please leave me your thoughts. Do you think that we have premonition of things to come in dreams so that when they do happen, that we are more able to handle them? Or is it just something that happens with no rhyme or reason?


fabulously 41 said...

I don't know if i believe dreams are as much a premonition of things to come, but more of a "jerk" if you will, I what is happening presently. The sub-conscious is tricky. But if things are going well, that doesn't make sense either. humph...not much help. sorry,'s this? What did you eat? I don't know. I'm grasping. sorry. But i do believe one thing. You must conquer your sub-conscious. If you feel anxious about sleeping, you'll set yourself up for a bad night. Try to think happy know, kittens, tweeting birds, beer...whatever works for ya and and sex is good. Hope this helps. Enjoy your blog!!

Lisa said...

They are awful. You are not alone, I'm sure most of us have had one or two that are difficult to shake.
I don't believe they are premonitions - perhaps it was something on TV, the news, etc...that embedded itself into your psyche. The media is big on reporting the bad stuff going on all over the world; we don't hear nearly enough of the good and postive things happening in this world - and there are. Try and focus on positive energy

Mark said...

maybe you can help a bro out and explain how this blogging stuff works! I'm a lil slow on the bogging terms used... I figured a super hero like wonderwoman could help :)

Gabby said...

Hi, I just happened to stumble upon your blog. Dreams are you're unconscious filtering out junk. Or trying to tell you something. I have PTSD so nightmares are a persistent problem I deal with regularly. For me, they are my unconscious trying to tell me to deal with the issues I keep pushing back in. Not fun.

L said...

Greetings Wunderwoman. My sentiments go out to you. I hope that you find comfort through these words.

There are many reasons why we dream. Our dreams come from the realm of the subconcious, and there are a few things which affect or influence our subconcious...external factors in everyday life, the activity of the digestive system if we have eaten a late meal, and the spirit aspect of our humanity.

The first two are most common and can be easily ruled out. However, the third is the area most are not familiar with and many fear this aspect. What the unlearned and unfamiliar call this aspect is "premonition." What God calls it is a word of knowledge, and there is reason for giving warning to the wise.

When a dream like this occurs it is unmistakeable by the realism and vividness of the dream. Whether a dream of great concern or great joy...the correct response should always be to seek God and pray, especially if the dream was unforgettably disturbing.

There is no need to be fearful, only wise, prayed up, and prepared.

Barrie said...

You wrote this post on March 1. How have you been sleeping? ox

Anonymous said...

Hi. I'm sorry you had to stay up. I think the mind is a lot more than we give it credit for- meditate. I'll say a prayer for you.

Bookworm said...

I'm awfully late to the table with this one, but I'm so sorry you had that awful dream! I hate nightmares. They really can be scary and make it difficult to close your eyes at night because you're afraid they're going to come back. You might try sleeping with a small low-wattage nightlight nearby so if you wake in the middle of the night you can open your eyes and see the light. That helps chase the shadows away.

Anonymous said...

I NEVER use to remember my dreams. Ever. But for the past few weeks, I've remembered every dream, each morning. Weird.

Anyhow, I just wanted to say that I'm loving your blog. I'll definitely be following.

Check out mine. I think you'd especially love it:

mynameisapple said...

Hi there Wunderwoman. I just stumbled upon your blog and read this one. I had my own dose of nightmare last week, and i cant help but think a lot about it, too. I end up having bad days. Negative thoughts cetainly yield bad days. Well, I try to push them out of my mind as much as possible, and think about happier thoughts and it helps and it generates all the good stuffs. Its all in the mind. Well, that's just my thought. Im following your blog! love it! =p

Anonymous said...

Hi there W, who knows for certain? Some say dreams are just sub- conscience details that we filter through the day ~ worries and such. But I have had dreams to like that, horrible nightmares. Nothing ever comes of them so ,until I do have a premonition, I won't worry.
I hope you find that yours was nothing more than an unfortunate collection of worries venting in your dreams.
Dream peaceful tonight! :)

Unknown said...

hello friends ..... everyone has experienced a nightmare, but it's disparate problem, I believe in prayer each will sleep we'll calm down. because God always keeps his servant who was always praying.

Unknown said...

True, true.

I often dream of cannibals eating my friends. Why never me?

Chandana said...


Nice blog.

Here is a blog that serves for your spiritual needs...
It has messages from the Holy Scriptures that teach us how to have GOD in all the aspects of our lives, and allow GOD's rule in every matter.

Have a blessed reading.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

hi, all people get dreams like yours, and its just as normal, and i do get dreams like this, and i wish your this dream not comes true...

admin said...

nice site
best quotes ever that you have never seen before you can find them here

Charlene said...

When you have a nightmare try to tell someone about it asap. I had had a few, not many, but if I tell someone it leaves me. Just a thought.

Those advertising in the comment section should stop!

Unknown said...

I have similar nightmares. It is a very strange concept to never remember dreaming on a usual night, and then to suddenly not be able to settle from a dream for days. I know how you feel, but have had little success keeping my mind off of the "bad dreams" long enough to forget them. I wish you the best with this though.

lulubloo said...

I wouldn't worry too much about your dream it sometimes helps to talk to somebod so maybe if it's still bothering you call up a friend and leave a message or write down all your feeling's in word and if you feel the need to publish the whole dream here. If not then just think to yourself about it, DON'T SUPPRESS IT, suppressing dreams is bad for your health and most suppresed dreams will come back at one time or another so don't worry about it too much.
P.s I hope it goes away soon

DSigma1922 said...

I have recently experienced nightmares and, like you, I was afraid to sleep the next night. In truth, I was afraid to sleep for many nights as they were happening every night for about two weeks. I discovered, the nightmares were side effects of some heavy medicine I was taking. Although I had taken this medicine before, it was the first time I had nightmares. I am not sure if we have premonition, but I do believe they are a sign of how we are feeling inside. I wish you better nights.

Selma Reho said...

For a long time I was having bad dreams. They're mainly caused by heavy late food or bad late movies, so no reason for serious worries. But - there is a different kind of nightmare as well! By my experience they are given to prepare you for a real excitement which you could not stand without damage. It works this way: What you're able to stand once, you can manage again plus a little bit more ...
Since then these kind of nightmares got precious to me.

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